
Test your B2B market knowledge with INFUSE Insights


What is the biggest challenge for most B2B Demand Marketers today?

Identifying and targeting accounts
Driving pipeline opportunities and ROI
Generating sales-ready leads

What content and tools do IT buyers rely on the most to learn about technologies and vendors to make business technology decisions for their organization?

Case studies
Technology product demos
Technology and industry whitepapers

Which of the following statements most accurately defines most marketers organization’s approach to marketing performance measurement and ROI tracking? The ability to…

…demonstrate how much revenue and pipeline is influenced and generated.
…measure and attribute each dollar spent on marketing activity.
…show how marketing has improved and grown awareness of brand, product and services.

What is the main criteria that determined the last major tech purchase for IT buyers?

New business opportunity requirement
Current vendor capabilities are not meeting business needs
Compatibility requirements with the current tech stack and integrations

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